Asclepius,you won't believe what the Torus will do compared to the Shunyata.I use to use a hydra 6 and hydra 2s and then I aquired the Torus(NIGHT AND DAY,HUGE DIFFERENCE)I'd like to know also about the SST2amps,4BS,7Bs,14Bs.I wonder
sonically,how much more,musically they give out compared to the SSTS.
I have the 7B-ssts and I ordered 2X28s as I got to trade the 7s for the 28s plus a couple of extra nickeles.they should be home in a week and a half.I know a few folk on audiocircle have or ordered the new 4B-sst squared.Maybe next winter upgrade my Arcam av-8 to SP3.This never ends.