hearing loss is not measured in %!
Hearing loss ,as a function of frequency , is displayed on an audiogram and expressed in a decibel value whereas zero decibels is normal hearing sensitivity .
Thus right or left ear responses that are between 0 to 15dBHl are WNL. Any deviation from that range expresses hearing loss.
Hearing loss is categorical from mild to moderate to sever to profound!
mild is from approximately 20-45, moderate 45-65, severe 65-85 and profound above 90dBHL.
It is difficult to conclude the % what one will
miss !
Hearing aids do not correct for the loss-they make things louder
clarity is not guaranteed with amplification!
the advice to try different systems -good advice and get what seems helpful.
Recall, making things louder to an impaired ear may produce distortion with or without amplification.
Personally I have S/N hearing loss bilaterally along with constant tinnitus. For me louder is distorted and too soft is not clear.
My major use of HIFI is to mask the tinnitus ,but I do enjoy what I hear-
Not all sounds good!
nevertheless it is a challenge!