
If you have not yet heard about the Internet bug in OpenSSL called "Heartbleed", you need to google that word ASAP and learn about this latest online security threat to hit the news.

Gz3827, thanks for the info. I just read the huffingtonpost article about this, and used the link they provided to test a website. Out of the 6-8 websites I tested, the only one that showed up as possibly being vulnerable was Audiogon.
An interesting problem. I'm surprised at vulnerability at this level of so called super secure items.
I heard on the news last night that you shouldn't change passwords unless the organization that the password is for... has fixed this problem on their end. In-other-words, if he subject password is for AudiogoN, AudiogoN has to have applied a fix on their system... otherwise it's a waste of time to change the password.
I emailed Audiogon support yesterday and asked them about this issue. When I saw this thread I sent them a link to it. Let's see how they respond.
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