Heco Aurora

Anyone have ears on experience?
Looking for a 3 way floorstander,easy to drive & found these Aurora 700.Reviews are good,1 raving positive from a dealer in Australia.Price is REALLY good($1200.00 del.)Audio Advice is selling them but the only guy that really tested them has moved on so no help there..Anyone?
"I have been looking at the HECO Direkt myself.""

In 2017 Heco Dirket was being offered at a special $2500/pair. I contacted the seller who responded-" We are suspending all orders from Heco until we determine how their new distribution is going to happen. The gent who was in touch is retired and we’ve not been able to get steady communication since that time. We have people waiting now for speakers that have yet to arrive as they are on back order"

I was ready to hear something new for a reasonable price. Never happened.
Not so good review

Did this guy have the same speaker? review

The unique looks caught my attention.
I’d grab a pair for that intro offer now,at the time full retail was $5k or so?
The model up from the Direkt was(bigger driver) was more attractive.
I don’t see them listed on their site?

Apologies to OP freediver-

I see the 1st half of my intended response cut-should start out I was looking at Heco awhile back, and it appears the entire lineup looks solid. The Aurora 700 should be nice for it's pricepoint. I wouldn't overthink it. At the pricepoint, at least equal to the usual brands.