Hegel H590 integrated amp

What can I say?  This, especially for the money, and it's far from being cheap, is the best integrated amp on the market!!!  Immense power that can drive any inefficient speaker, including my notoriously hard to drive Revel Salon 2 speakers with authority, sublime sound quality, features to die for, superb DAC, built like a tank and is as reliable as heck.  The Hegel H590 is one of the very few, and I mean, very few, end-game integrated amps on the planet today.  And, the beauty of the Hegel H590 is that, it's so darned "OUTSTANDING" that you don't have to spend more or want for more.  The Hegel H590 is, without a doubt, the best value for the money when it comes to the current, ultra high-end integrated amps on the market.         


Great post OP. Makes me want to get one, even though I don't need it. On the other hand, that's never stopped me before.....Enjoy!

The Hegel H590 was on my short list of integrated amplifiers, but in the end I went with a Boulder 866. Lack of Roon certification at the time was the killer for me ultimately. Not sure if the H590 has been Roon certified yet or not.

I use the Hegel H590 strictly as an amp/preamp, for it’s superb power and sound quality. Although the H590 has an amazing (I’ve actually heard it) internal DAC, I opted to go with a superior DAC to the H590s DAC, my awesome external DAC, the Ayre Acoustics QX-5 Twenty Streaming DAC. As for Roon: I have a Roon Nucleus Plus with 4 GB of internal storage. As mentioned, my speakers are the amazing Revel Salon 2 speakers. The little system that I’ve managed to put together has rewarded me with immense pleasure and satisfaction. Fun, Fun, Fun!!!!


great choice of gear!  the h590 is an absolutely world class amplifier, takes back seat to none, and the dac is quite good, but can be exceeded by top tier outboard dacs, so imo you are using the h590 exactly as it should be used in a very high level system

and yes, to the other question, the h390 and 590 are not yet roon ready, but coming soon, is the word...