Hegel + Raidho

Does anybody own or tried to match Hegel amps with Raidho monitors, particularly their integrated amps (H80/90, H160/190 or H300/360) with Raidho C1.x or D1? Could you please share you opinion? Thanks
Raidho C1.1 and Atma-Sphere S-20 -- with Paul Speltz Zero Auto Transformers -- are a match made in heaven. Michael Borresen questioned how much headroom would be available to me with this combination but I rarely need more than 50% volume to fill the room with sound. You cannot beat OTL with Raidho speakers, IMHO.

I would also not look at that to be a good pairing. The Hegel gear is neutral and has great bass and dynamics, it is a bit on the dry side.

Rahido speakers need some added warmth of they will be sterile sounding.

Our shop sold many major intergrated amplifiers from Hegel, Luxman, Naim, Electrocompanient. and there were two that really stuck out.

The Unision Reserch Unico beat every other integrated in terms of musicallity and sound staging, it is a hybid of tube front end and solid state output Their brand new Unico 90 is one fantastic integrated at $5k

The Electrocompaniet EC 6dx was fantastic in a few different areas and you get a great dac and streamer built in. Very musical, and totally engaging in every way. 

We also have a Norma Revo 140 demo which would be a fantastic piece for you as well, and the demo would be in your price range.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
Thank you Audio Doctor for your suggestions. I will take them into consideration and audition. Do you have a pair of Raidho monitors C or D on demo for me to audition them with electronics suggested? As it happens, I live in Toronto and to take the speakers twice through the border is quite a hassle nowadays, even with proper papers. 
Sabai, I’ve got Raidho C 1.2 and I would like to copy your proven audio system, starting with addition of Atma-Sphere 30 (or 60) and autoformers. Could you please provide me with the details of your entire system, including cables and accessories? How critical are the original stands for C 1.2.?
 I plan to add Lumin, aurender or auralic at front, as I listen 80% to the classical and jazz, at relatively low volumes and only from external portable hard disks. Musicality and impression of listening to the real thing are most important to me. Thank you in advance.