@millercarbon..I agree with the value of adding the Townshend Pods but from your experience would you see the impact of the Pods being greater than the initial impact of upgrading the tonearm? Thanks.
Done both. Still can't say. Put Pods under enough different things to say with confidence they are a very significant improvement. Changed tone arms as well and that is another really big one. With tone arms though they are all different and so not having heard yours I just can't say.
A good tone arm, wow. Had a Graham 2.2, it is a really nice arm. Went to Origin Live Conqueror, could hardly believe how much better it was. No way any amount of Pods or BDR or fO.q tape or ECT or PHT, all of it together cannot touch what the Conqueror did. Which I guess is fitting, seeing as it cost more than all those put together!
That's the thing. For what Pods cost it is hard to believe the same amount of money will buy an arm that much better. But you would probably never buy an arm "only" a couple hundred bucks more than what you have. Usually for a component upgrade to make sense it takes a larger increment. That is where the tweaks come in. They let you get the improvement with smaller incremental costs.