Also after talking with Clayton, he really outlined that the room nodes wouldn’t let a speaker play much below 40 Hz anyway.
I have just unboxed the Spatial M4 Turbo S’s, fantastic build quality. Great looking speakers too. Threw on some Jazz and the imaging blew me away. Put on some Pink Floyd and Neil Young and I was unimpressed... the bass was anemic and the treble was scratchy.
Initial quick run done, I am being true to the recommendation, don't really make any decisions before the first 24 hours. Ok, it was time to go pick up the Vandersteen 1Cis from the local shop to compare. While I was at the local shop, I also grabbed a Ayre AX7 (60W) to test with both pairs of speakers.
I put the Vandersteen 1Ci’s on my MiniTorii and honestly, I was much happier, they didn’t image as well, but they were more even, had much more bass, and overall easier to listen to.
This is where it get interesting... when I put the Ayre amp on the Spatials I got knocked out of my chair, again! The bass was there in full force, it was smooth and even, the highs weren’t nearly as bright (in a good way).
I have many more hours to put on the Spatials. I have high hopes, but it seems like I will have to be getting a new amp regardless of my speaker choice.
I have emailed Steve @ Decware to see if he has something that would match the more agressive load required by the Spatials.
Based on my room size and realistic price target (I don't know what I was thinking spending $6k on speakers) it is going to be down to the Spatial M4's and the Vandersteen 1Ci. They fit in the room well, and both have the potential to sound incredible.
Thats all for now, much more listening ahead.