In fact I do. So there.
One should always consult a specialist and not self-diagnose. It is a most frustrating ailment, as it does not appear that anything can be done for subjective tinnitus. Good healthy living habits are a must. Alcohol, aspirin, heavy meals, exposure to loud noises, lack of sleep, long drives in the car and a bunch of other things can make it worse. My main point is that after you have been diagnosed, you have to come to an understanding with yourself and that is that it is a lifelong condition that you have to deal with. The fact that medicine has so little to offer to cure the problem or to alleviate it leaves one open to trying just about anything. If what you do or take to alleviate the symptoms has no side effects, go ahead and do it. Chances are it is, in fact, the placebo effect, but under those circumstances who cares.
To say what you said about the placebo effect is just proof that you and may of your compatriots have fallen prey to miracle thinking in every facet of your lives.