Help - is Krell dead?

Hoping to get some cues from other owners. I have an older Krell KAV 280 CD Player that I really like. I am moving to Europe and tried to contact Krell to see if it can be switched to 220v (it is already 50/60hz). (Yes, i could buy a step-down transformer but i prefer converting it internally). No one picks up phones, the voicemail to some guy called Tim Rogers is full. Emails to servcie go unresponded. Does anyone know if there is some way to contact Krell? Dealers I have tried in NJ are also unable to is so strange. Many thanks for any help.


So sorry to hear about Rondi’s tragic passing. She and Dan built Krell into the legendary company that it became. I did not know that Rhondi had gone back to working for them after she and Dan left Krell several years ago, the result of a dispute with the people Dan and Rondi merger with.. Last I heard Rhondi was working in the real estate business. May she rest in peace. 🙏

Krell does occupy a storied place in the history of the High End, but this incident shows that some of these revered companies are essentially small boutiques, and that the loss of one critical member of the company can sideline the whole operation. It’s hard to imagine Sony or Yamaha, by way of contrast, grinding to a halt if their CEO passed away

Steve Leckrone is highly recommended but rather busy. But he loves to talk.

Steven Leckrone

The Service Department

30 Unquowa Hill St

Bridgeport CT 06604
