@pwerahera Back when I had my CD2 - purchased new, My Dad had the CDT1 and DAC 1. To our ears my CD2 was better, more open where the DAC1 was pleasant but did not have the resolution or bottom end of the newer player.
I used to work part time at a store that carried ARC so I knew those pieces fairly well. We also carried CAL, California Audio Labs, and we all felt the little Alpha DAC more than held up to the ARC DAC’s of the time for a heck of a lot less money. Hate to say it, but back then by far the brand we sold the most for DAC’s was EAD, Enlighten Audio Design. My CD2 was a nice player but compared to the much newer at the time, Cambridge it was a much bigger improvement.
I’ve not listened to the PS Audio Gaincell DAC, but I do own a Direct Stream MK1 and I would bet the Stellar can probably hold its own. I definitely know how the Bluesound sounds, both on its own using the internal DAC and using only as a streamer. I use a Nordost Silver Shadow SPDIF, and a custom power cable so I’m getting pretty good sound out of the Bluesound.
My system is down at the moment as I’m moving things around so I’ll report back on the Airlens I recently picked up which I will be running I2S between the two.
@stu20 I would hope you’re using coax out and not toslink? If you are running toslink, I would make that change first. I’m guessing you probably started running your Node direct before you added in the Gaincell? Would think you heard a noticeable difference there. When I first purchased my Vault I ran it direct to my preamp which was ok, but then went into my Cambridge 851C which has digital in and it was clearly better. Later I had a RME ADI2fs/Teddy Pardo which was a big step up. Power cables make a difference on my Vault so try that too if you haven’t on your Node. As mentioned it will be interesting to hear how the PSA Airlens compares to the Bluesound.
Lastly if you’re running single ended RCA IC’s maybe experiment with balance from your DAC to Preamp. I bet you’re already doing that, it if not give it a try.