as you can see everyone has their favorite. mine is tyler acoustics. this is a factory direct speaker that has caught the attention of both stereophile as well as absolute sound at the 2005 CES and CEDIA SHOWS. if you are looking for a monitor with stands, this company also makes the stands that fit the speaker with no overhang. the model is the linbrook signature monitor. its a d'appolito design with all SEAS magnesium drivers as well as their MILLENIUM tweeter. freq. response is 35-25 khz and is rear ported. i also have their top of the line WOODMERE model and could not be happier with both models. i will say the linbrook signature monitors do need a medium sized or more room to really let the sound open up. check their site out or even call ty lashbrook at tyler acoustics. great person, company and what i call a sleeper speaker concidering the high priced speakers today. both models saved me alot of money from other models i had on the wish list. no regrets because its all about the sound not what they cost.