Help me pick the right monitor

I'm looking for a higher class monitor that can handle 80 watts of pure Class A power. I've currently got Acoustic Energy AESPRIT 300s, hooked to a Jungson JA-88D by Ridge Street Audio Poeima !! Signature speaker cables. Actually, the AE's are quite good but I'm looking for a speaker with a quality cabinet that can keep resonance down as this amp really delivers bass. Wanting to improve from 40Hz which may require an 8" woofer(??) Looking for a high degree of transparancy with excellent detail. I know...I want it all! (As most of us do) I've been considering Reference 3 DeCapo's and am looking to spend up to $2K. These are for my home office system so as much as I would like to have floor standers, monitors must be used. The room dimensions are 10x18. Thanks for your input.
as you can see everyone has their favorite. mine is tyler acoustics. this is a factory direct speaker that has caught the attention of both stereophile as well as absolute sound at the 2005 CES and CEDIA SHOWS. if you are looking for a monitor with stands, this company also makes the stands that fit the speaker with no overhang. the model is the linbrook signature monitor. its a d'appolito design with all SEAS magnesium drivers as well as their MILLENIUM tweeter. freq. response is 35-25 khz and is rear ported. i also have their top of the line WOODMERE model and could not be happier with both models. i will say the linbrook signature monitors do need a medium sized or more room to really let the sound open up. check their site out or even call ty lashbrook at tyler acoustics. great person, company and what i call a sleeper speaker concidering the high priced speakers today. both models saved me alot of money from other models i had on the wish list. no regrets because its all about the sound not what they cost.

I had these speakers hooked up to a Mac SS integrated and found the bass to be tuneful bot not powerful. I thought the midrange was excellent but the highs were too recessed. This probably was due to my amp. I would imagine the highs on yours are better. I think that you will only be able to get a little better bass at the sacrifice of detail. You can only move so much air with a two way. Have you considered a sub?
Thanks you so much guys...I really appreciate everyone's response so far. In checking out the Green Mountain website, I found a dealer fairly close to me. I will definately give them a visit. Tin, what an incredible group of speakers these appear to be. A little more than what I'm willing to spend right now though. Bill...Yes, I have seen the Tyler Acoustics speakers on this sight for years. I will contact Ty as I am quite serious about finding the right speakers. Pthai, hadn't even thought about Wilsons...I'll do some checking.
for 2k get a nice floorstander and hear what you miss with monitors.....totem,wharfedale,castle....lots more