HELP Monitor speakers for vintage components????

I'm the original owner of a Sony TA-N 86B Amp and TA-E 86B preamp, which I am having completely overhauled by a vintage audio expert. My turntable is a Denon DP-1250 with a Technics EPA 100 tonearm and Grado Blue cartridge. The Cambridge Audio Azur 640C CD player is relatively new, as is the B&W ASW-610 subwoofer.

I'm looking for some suggestions for monitor speakers under $1000/pair that would go well with these electronics. I did own Spendor S3/5s for awhile and loved them, but they might be out of my price range.

SO....what do you thinK?

Also posted on Speakers discussion board.

Check the Stereophile Review, if anything the reviewer is understating how good they are.
JBL 4312 in mint condition can be found for half your budget. They're outstanding.
If you liked the SPENDORs with their particular signature sound, has a bunch of used ones listed for approx. 400 + Euros used + shipping.
You can also get USA new/demos for $US1200 ($1800 new)

I've had both the TOTEM ARROS and FORESTS in prior systems (both now long gone) and IMO and experiences --- for sure --- any TOTEM product will be much more fussy about accompanying equipment and also result in a radically different signature sound that that "classic British" SPENDOR sound you like ..... Not even close .....

Your takeaway: if you liked the SPENDORs, either go get 'em again or substitute with a close relative British speaker manufacturer. e.g.: Tannoy, KEF, ATC, REGA, just to name a few in a crowded arena of competing products.

Of course, you already know that (1) system synergy matters big-time, and; (2) you cannot escape the basic tenet in this hobby: you get what you pay for.
I have owned the Spendors and I thought they were a great little speaker. You should be able to get a used pair for under $700. Just be patient and a pair will come up!