help on isolation/absorption/coupling

I am new to tweaking. Can someone direct me to a reference or briefly explain which should be applied to the components and the rack. Which products isolate and which couple/absorb? I have searched this forum but the threads run too long and are too confusing to a newbie like me. I have a slate floor, a cd player, and a integrated single end tube amp and very efficient speakers. Thanks.
My experience in this area is limited, but clear: the use of a Neuance isolation platform under my CDP resulted in considerably better coherence, and integration of top octave info, WITHOUT the lower-freq rhythmic compromise of air bladders or sorbothane; the success is sufficient to allow my continued use of very revealing interconnects on most good recordings
(although I'm still seeking a les-revealing cable for too-bright CDs). I had almost given up on Redbook! Good luck.
don't make things more complex or expensive than they must be. if you have a cheap rack (non filled support beams, glass shelves, etc), use an inner tube b/w your shelf & your component (kids bike 12" works great). this is to remove floor borne vibration from the equation. now what remains is internal vibration from the component. heavy weights on the top or damping sheets inside the chassis works well, some cones as feet work well. try & see. by & large, the floor borne are more difficult / more prominent, that is, unless you have a great rack...and few people do.