Is there any plausibility that these hot grooves found later in a side would be a result of the physics of cutting?None whatsoever. The physics of cutting is that the cutterhead responds exactly the same to bass notes at the beginning of the LP as it does at the end. It is simply moved across the lacquer as the signal is played through the cutterhead. There is no compensation in the electronics for its location on the LP, just the compensation for the cutterhead response (being an electro-mechanical device) and the imposed RIAA curve.
My question is; how do you "adjust" the resonant frequency? My current values for vertical are: 15 Hz - 7Hz. My lateral values are 14 Hz - 10 Hz.
Should I even worry about trying to match the vertical and lateral exactly?
To the latter- no, as long as its in the window of 7-12Hz. The mechanical resonance is not really adjustable on your arm- the way to affect it is to change the cartridge to one of a different compliance or to use a lighter or heavier headshell.