Help putting together a little system with McIntosh MC 30s

So, it’s been over 10 years since I lived in a house where I could listen to music with no neighbors to bug or had lots of cash to splash around on big systems. I went to Brazil on a one month vacation and never came home. I’m back in the US selling all my big speakers and heavy Pass Lab amps.

While clearing out my storage unit I came across an old pair of amps and thought I could get a few hundred bucks on Craigslist for so I blindly listed them for $1,500……big mistake - within minutes I was inundated with offers and I knew I had Fked up on my pricing.

I did some research and found these little McIntosh MC 30s are very desirable and are great amps. I know live in an apartment in São Paulo with thick walls and only one neighbor to bug and am now thinking about bringing these with me in my case.

Somewhere in storage in Brazil I have a great tiny pair of speakers I bought years ago off Audiogon, really great and I think they were Scandinavian - can’t remember the brand but I think the model are called “The One” (any ideas anybody as my brain is to rusty now)?

Anyway, I neither have the money or the passion I once had and I don’t want to go down that (very fun) rabbit hole of gear again but If anybody can think of the name of those little monitors I have over in Brazil that would be the first part of this puzzle.

Do I need preamps? and would these MC30s pair well with “The One”.

Sorry to be brain dead trying to remember the name of my monitors but they were highly regarded maybe 12-15 years ago and are probably in better condition than my brain these days and I’m optimistic some old-schooler on here will remember what brand they are .

Thanks in anticipation


For setup you would connect the RCA out of the Link to the RCA input of your amps. Connect your Totem speakers to your amps. 

Then you can simply play a streaming service with an app on your phone, a tablet, or a computer. You can connect a CD player with either the digital or RCA input. 

This preamp also comes with room correction software and a microphone so your speakers will adjust for your room. Let me know if you have questions but for the sale price this is a very good deal. Most preamps, even expensive ones, don't have room correction software.

Hey Kota that sounds great - do you use this? How does Tidal sound compared to CDs?

Ok, so now I see I’ll have to put the MC30s in for servicing but while I’m only here in the US for a brief period and chatting on here has given me other ideas also as I would like to bring a little Paradigm system back with me (going down that rabbit hole again!).

The Paradigm seems like a great idea and cheap too! Sometimes I like to use a subwoofer and I have a nice one in Brazil - can I run this with this set-up? I’m guessing I’ll need an amp for this - any suggestions for a great but small amp for this set-up?