That could be a good unit. It was done quite a few years ago when MW was getting going. The Oppo 83 hasn't been in production for over 10 years I think. Opposite is out of business at this point and each newer Oppo has been a better sounding unit than the one before. The Opposite 105 and 205 would have been the newest units made and I don't think Dan did the 205 mod. The 95 would have been before the 105. I mention this because the older the unit, the bigger the risk. Opposite units are now going for much more money because you can't get a new one anymore. The Sony 9000 MW blew me away in sound quality after what I had before. Mine developed an occasional problem with the drawer not opening. Dan did this mod back about 2005-07 or so. The MW units are rare finds anymore on the audio sites. All the MW units sound significantly better than the stock units. The Oppo units all play many different types of discs compared to the others--could be a big plus.
The MW mods were done to Marantz 8005 and Denon 3900 also. The Denon would be about the same vintage as the Oppo 83.
The big plus here is Dan Wright and his mods. You could call MW and ask Dan when this was made or other questions you might have. He will tell you about the quality of sound that unit has. If it is in good working condition, it's worth a try. Good luck.
The MW mods were done to Marantz 8005 and Denon 3900 also. The Denon would be about the same vintage as the Oppo 83.
The big plus here is Dan Wright and his mods. You could call MW and ask Dan when this was made or other questions you might have. He will tell you about the quality of sound that unit has. If it is in good working condition, it's worth a try. Good luck.