Help using integrated as power amp

I have a NAD T747 receiver powering some Totem Rainmakers. Problem is that the 747 manual states the receiver should be used to drive 8 ohm or higher. I have an old arcam alpha 9 integrated amp and was thinking of testing out using this as a power amp for the rainmakers and the 747 as the preamp. Can anyone explain how to do this? Do I need to be careful with the volume controls, I am not even sure in this situation which volume controls work.
to answer your actual question, connect an rca cable from the front preouts on the rear of your nad receiver to the "pwr in" sockets on the rear of your arcam, then press the "pre/pwr" switch on the rear of your arcam (to make it fuction as a power amp). good luck.
by this connection, your arcam will be functioning solely as a power amp--all the volume, tone, etc. will be controlled by your nad. keep the volume on the arcam turned up full.
Thanks for the help Unfortunately, the only switch is for AV operation or normal operation. As far as fixing the switch I asked two places and they both said it would probably be a few hundred dollars. Having said that I have only listened to the totems through the arcam once and although I liked the dynamics/energy(my terminology may be faulty)the highs seemed harsh compared to the NAD. I am going to try this weekend to rehook up the totems to the arcam - I live in apt in NY and my wife is sick so trying it out right now is not an option. I might post this on the home theater section since my interest is 50 50 but I am wondering what people would do to improve this system if they had 2500 to spend. I should say I listen to mostly rock and most of my music is digital. thinking of building a music server with a mac mini.
The Rainmakers deserve much better than the 747. There are several options but 1. get a better AV receiver - any of these in the $1500-$2000 range will drive the Rainmakers adequately:

Marantz SR 7005
Yamaha AVENTAGE RX-A2000
NAD T 775
Rotel RX 1550
Denon AVR 4311CI

AV receivers are getting better - more, cleaner power and better isolation of digital parts from analogue parts - not to separates level, but tremendous value because the competition is so fierce (too bad there isn't this same level of focus on 2 channel integrated amps, but that is another story).

This should leave $1k to $500 for 2. a digital set up. Assuming you alredy have a mac mini, you could spend the remainder on a new dac, the new iDAC from Peachtree was well reviewed, and Wavelength and Musical Fidelity have new DACs out as well. The Trusty Cambridge Audio could serve as well.

Another approach is to dump all your investment in a higher end receiver with a quality USB DAC, more power and better preamp section.

I suggest you look at:

Arcam AVR 400
Anthem MRX 700

listen before you buy.
Do you think adding a NAD C275BEE power amp would help the NAD 747 or is it solely the preamp section that you see as the problem. Not sure if it matters but I will almost surely never progress beyond 3.1 - thanks