Thanks Mitch2 and Kenbo. I've read some wonderful things about Cardas as well as Audio Horizons. The other possibility is VH Audio (Chris VenHaus) and the Flavor 4 PC and the Spectrum Cu IC. Lots of very favorable press and a nice long trial period (sixty days, I think). I suppose the success of any gear choice is determined by all of the system/room specifics and how, ultimately, it helps one enjoy the music. Should be simple right ?
Kenbo, did you get the AH Transparency Interconnects ? Glad to hear they're reputable and easy to deal with at Audio Horizons. What's in your system ?
Mitch2, if I was able take the time to DIY I would but I'll just have to rely on the experience of others until I try 'em out myself. Thanks for all the info, though. I'll check out the Cardas and the Sonoran Plateau Cables. From Tuscon maybe ?
More feedback is welcome and appreciated !