Help with Equitech 1.5Q power conditioner

Hello all. My Equitech GFCI plug on the back keeps popping when I turn on the switches Equitech switches. Am I overloading the unit or is there an issue with the GFCI plug. It worked for a while but was always super easy to trip. I only have my Amp, preamp, TV, and speakers plugged into it. Any help would be appreciated. I am in in San Francisco bay area, are there recommendations to any place I can take to to get it looked at? With it tripping so much would replacing the gfci plug with a new one help (wonder if the current one is worn out?). It is out of warranty and I do not have the box it came in to ship. Thanks!

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It’s already at ground potential. At the service panel the service entrance neutral conductor, electrical panel metal enclosure, and all EGCs (at panel) are bonded together.

It's close to ground potential... :)  but now you have another path which is participating in that current flow.  I'd be curious to see you measure the actual current next time. :)

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Actually i think these units deliver +60 VAC on the hot and -60 VAC on the neutral. I belive that is what your meter should read when testing the outlets.  

Hot to ground +60 v and neutral to ground is -60 v.   Measuring across hot and neutral should give 120v.