Helping a kid out

So long story short I got neighbor kid into audio and to appreciate listening to music on something other than a cheap Bluetooth speaker.  He’s pretty young but a good kid, a hard working honest kid.  So far he’s accumulated his old mans Dual turntable that I helped him clean up and installed an Ortofon 2M Blue on it, a nice but older Marantz integrated and a pair of Elac Debut 2.0 B6.2 speakers.  I hooked him up with a pair of Kimber 8TC speaker cables I had retired a while ago (lol, probably making them the most expensive part of his system).  He’s looking to upgrade and I suggested trying out a dedicated phono stage.  I’m assuming his budget is in the $200 range and I told his old man I wouldn’t let him buy something stupid.  I had no idea the sheer volume of phono stages in this price range on the market.  What would you guys and gals suggest?  My knee jerk reaction is Schitt Mani and I read a few good things about a Bellari unit but holy cow the choices are infinite.  Maybe something a little higher end but used?  Extra points if it can be purchased from Amazon but that’s by no means a deal breaker.
This thread is a breathe of fresh air.  Yes, it is satisfying when you have the opportunity the mentor a young person.  It is great you are taking the time to do this.

The bottlehead sounds like a great project and it has got to sound great.  Make sure to spend some time looking at some videos on the art of soldering.  There are clearly right and wrong ways to do this--you may even find some tips on line regarding the build of this particular unit.  

If for some reason this project doesn't come to fruition, I can give a thumbs up on the Bellari.  I am listening to it right now for the last 2 hours.  I use it in a headphone based system for early morning listening.  It drives my Sennheiser HD660s with ease sourced from a Project table with an Ortofon Super OM20e cartridge.  Picked up a couple of premium tubes to have a little fun with inexpensive tube rolling.  I love this little system.  Very musical, smooth yet detailed, invites you to listen for hours.  You can also upgrade the PS if you want.  You can't go wrong for the price and I wonder if it is not a bit more "fun" than the Mani.
   Wonderful thread for sure. I wish I had a mentor to inspire my love for audio but I guess I had the next best thing, a local dealer who would actually guide you along the audio path.    But I digress. It’s a great thing your doing for that kid and it seems he appreciates it or he probably wouldn’t be listening to your system when he’s over. The help everyone on Audiogonnis is giving, whether cash, experience or solder, ( nice of you MC), is priceless.
   Good luck with your build and keep us informed on its progress.
Sorry Tvad, didn't notice your reply earlier about the soldering iron. Put me down for any other tool, precision diagonal cutter, needle nose? Whatever you need sir. You're doing a great thing here, Big Brother. 
I just have to ask.
 Is the young fellow (In point of fact). "So inclined", to do all that is required and involved with the gift of an "Electronic parts kit"?
 I ask because many, "Nearly all", seem suddenly bewildered when I bring up the fact that it is possible to build things of this sort yourself.
Just think of ALL the new tasks needed (Including soldering) to follow this through to completion. And also, simply the cost of all the, "Ancillary" items, I.E. "Solder, liquid flux,  flux brushes, paste flux, de-soldering wick, flux cleaner, and on and on and on...  None are free.
 A decent, but "tiny", tin of "Tip conditioner", will set you back, ($20) now.
So it, "May" be quite daunting to him. I know that as a young, detail oriented "perfectionist" myself.  It was VERY daunting to me long ago....
What I have mentioned above is but, the tip of the iceberg too!

And anyone whom brings up a "($20) kit from Ebay" of the items mentioned above for a build?
 Remember one of the rules I have heard so often here;
                  "Crap in, Crap out".
Because I believe that could be applied here.

Anyway, If he "is" into it? GREAT! 
But if he's not....
OR, If for any other reason a "kit" does not work out?
Contact me. I may have a few things, "Laying around'.
That he may be interested in.
Hey, If we all start just giving stuff away? "Audiogon" will see an uptick in new members too!
I will mention though, that the "Powers that be" here became more than a bit confused when I simply, "gave" someone here that was just starting out a set of gear,  "preamp and amp" for free. "I did have the Lad pay the shipping fee's though, ($450)"! Well, most of it anyway...