Heretic Loudspeakers out of Canada

Does anyone know what happed to Heretic? Looks like they are out of business.



Well then maybe they shouldn't have done made it look the way they did on their webpage.



"Well then maybe they shouldn't have done made it look the way they did on their webpage"

No idea don't really care as I've never heard of them, i was just using google to assist the OP since they didn't know how. 

I think they look very cool and reviews seem to like 'em (Herb Reichert reviewed them). I'd like to try a pair of the smaller ones sometime...7 grand or so is a little pricey but they seem well built...

I think Fidelis is the US distributor for these.    No longer on their site.   They were built really well.   They didn't really wow me but I think it had a lot to do with the set up