Herron VTPH-2A or Manley Chinook mk II phonostage

Anyone have a direct comparison with these two phonostage’s  the Herron and Manley. I currently have a Soundsmith MCP2 MK II with a Soundsmith Zephyr MIMC ⭐️
I also am looking to upgrade my tt, and lets say my head has been spinning. 5-8000 range

current system
primaluna hp premium integrated 
focal Sopra 2
rel s/5 sub
luxman sm-150 cd
marantz tt-151S ( the one Clear audio built)
cardas parasec interconnects 

some tt I have been considering
dr Feickert - woodpecker or Blackbird
EAT Forte S Fatismo

not a lover of the round look

also have a VPI Classic 3 gently used offered to me by a very reliable source for 3 k

any help is welcomed as I have become overwhelmed.

Haven’t compared but another Herron fan here. Also, if you are thinking turntable check out the new Sempersonus TE-2. Just ordered mine after selling my VPI. If you are at all interested in a modern idler/type drive TT that will take any arm up to 12” and is super well engineered but traditional in appearance the TE-2 may be the ticket. I’ll be running a 12” TW Raven arm and Charisma Signature One cart but you can go with a nice Origin Live Silver (there is one for sale here for $400) and pop you MIMC star on that for a sweet setup that is well within your budget. 
I would definitely recommend the VPI Classic 3. I believe all the Classic 3's come with 3D arm. Great table and $3K for one in good shape is good price.
Tasty... I have the same Zephyr star cartridge. Did you get the Herron phono pre? Or what did you decide on?