Hey - What Happened to the Beware of Viking Acoustics Thread

Just wondering what happened to the thread detailing Viking Acoustics' recent poor customer service tactics.  Poof and its gone.


This post was to tell my experience so others can be aware of it and decide if they want to risk going down this path with you.

Thank you for posting it!


And I will reiterate for the umpteenth time that obviously lots of bad things were happening in the world with COVID-19 so I never pressured you, never got angry with all the delays, never once said one thing!


I will make @vikinghorn an offer. Donate all the thousands you owe me to my local animal shelter. That way you don’t "lose" by giving me the money back. I’ll even let you have the tax deduction.


I agree, perfect solution.  I'm not sure I would've done the same, but you're a better man Gunga Din!