Hey - What Happened to the Beware of Viking Acoustics Thread

Just wondering what happened to the thread detailing Viking Acoustics' recent poor customer service tactics.  Poof and its gone.


I will make @vikinghorn an offer. Donate all the thousands you owe me to my local animal shelter. That way you don’t "lose" by giving me the money back. I’ll even let you have the tax deduction.


I agree, perfect solution.  I'm not sure I would've done the same, but you're a better man Gunga Din!

I just want to address these cables Viking mentions. Back in guessing around 2016 I had all Allnic electronics and cables. David asked to send me his speaker cables to try if I paid up front. I did that, tried them for a couple days, preferred my Allnic cables, sent them back, got a refund. David asked me to try them. I did not buy them and then complain. I have no idea why this is being brought up as it was somewhere around 2016 and absolutely nothing to do with this issue and there were no problems from either side of this transaction. This is getting weirder.