Hi-End Business

I am looking for advice on starting a High End Business in
Southern Oregon. I've been into Hi-End as a hobby for the
past 12 years, But don't have alot of sales experience. Any
comments would be welcome.
Have you considered representing some of the high end European lines that are difficult to access in the states? This could be done "through" already established high end dealers. I had thought of doing this myself, but cannot handle the travel that would be involved. Expenses would be for travel, transportation and marketing (including trade shows) and some of this may be partially offset by the manufacturers. For example O.S. Services reps Audion (UK), Reynaud (France) and a few other manufacturers as well. This could start out as just a side line. If you enjoy traveling and working with people it might pan out in the long run. Interestingly, Reynaud speakers and Audion amps are a match made in heaven. I purchased the speakers from an authorized dealer and picked up the amp on the used market, to later discover that both lines were carried by the same US rep. I like this kind of "synergy" game plan and it looks like you would be able to really have some fun with it from a hobbyists standpoint.
Dear Paint,

Howdy, this is Joe Abrams in Ashland. I've been in the high end industry for over 20 years. We may have something to talk about. I'm in the Ashland phone book. Please give me a call anytime Monday or after.

paint: i'll be happy to talk with you off-thread, too. just remember the ancient chinese curse, tho: "may you live in interesting times." ask particularly why someone wants to sell you his business. ain't cuz he's tired of being a millionaire or is ready to retire, irrespective of his claims.. -kelly
Go to stereophile.com and then to the Archives section. There's an article written in 1995 (I believe) that addresses exactly what you are looking to do. It's rather negative to the idea but if you're going to do this, you'll need to have your eyes open. And keep in mind what sdcampbell said.....have at least 6-12 months living expenses in reserve.

I'm involved in business development and it's important to be sure you know all the hidden expenses and what kind of cash flow you anticipate. You should also have an idea of when you walk away....both from the deal and the business.
Hi Paint; I live in southern Oregon too-- on the coast. I'd say there are easily a dozen gun stores in Coos county but exactly zero high-end audio stores, including HT. Population of the county is about 50K. I've been into high end audio for 10 years or so and only know two audiophiles in my vicinity, and we're all strange;>)

Early on I did most of my business with Bradford's HiFi in Eugene, later some mail order, and then also via internet. I've maintained a good relationship with Bradfords. I too hate to sound negative about your business prospects, but the general population in this neck of the woods just isn't much interested in high end audio IMO.

I'd certainly want to talk to Joe in Ashland though. At least the Medford-Ashland area has a somewhat greater population, and a State University, which could help, but how much money do students have? Maybe the professors? Guys in this area are hunters and fishermen, and that's pretty much the end of the story. I think you'd have to reach out to a greater population via the i-net to have a chance at success. But I surely do wish you Good Luck. Craig