hi I'm italian

my favourite electronics are jeff rowland m201 and preamp concerto..but the speakers?...magnepan 3.6, martin logan ascent i, vandersteen 3a sign..this is the problem...I love classical and large orchestra and jazz..my listening room is very large..and mu budget is 3000-6000 euro..thank you for patience..and sorry for my bad english..
hi, I'm German and I suggest Sonus Faber! It's on your doorstep!
Even though I own Revel Ultima System I think that Sonus Faber is a true alternative - among others.
I own a pair of speakers from an Italian company named Strumenti Acustici Precisione (S.A.P.). They have an ecclectic lineup of speakers. The speaker that I own is the J-2001 with the twin woofers. This model may no longer be in production (S.A.P. claimed it was too expensive to produce). It is probably out of your stated range, even accounting for huge markup to U.S. market, but it would not hurt to make an inquiry.