Almost everyone else thinks so too. Who cares. They have no idea because they have no experience with it -- only opinions. Exactly -- it's like mixing colors. Except in this case it is mixing the best of 2 cables and getting something better than what either one can offer when used alone.
I run Cardas Golden Cross in series with HiDiamond speaker cables -- spliced with SR power cells, Bybee speakers filters and Bybee speaker bullets. Beats any single speaker cable, hands down.
The Bybees are the essentials in my system -- power cords, purifiers too numerous to mention, speaker bullets, and Stealth.
Almost everyone else thinks so too. Who cares. They have no idea because they have no experience with it -- only opinions. Exactly -- it's like mixing colors. Except in this case it is mixing the best of 2 cables and getting something better than what either one can offer when used alone.
I run Cardas Golden Cross in series with HiDiamond speaker cables -- spliced with SR power cells, Bybee speakers filters and Bybee speaker bullets. Beats any single speaker cable, hands down.
The Bybees are the essentials in my system -- power cords, purifiers too numerous to mention, speaker bullets, and Stealth.