High Efficiency Dynamic Speaker Suggestions Please

I currently have Von Schweikert VR4jr's driven by Rawson class D monoblocks. These amps have really opened the dynamics openness of the speakers. Recently I heard Opera M12 horn speakers and I loved the presentation, they were even more open and "real" sounding. My thinking is to get them or something similar that offer that dynamic presence that the vr4's don't. I am totally unversed in this type of speaker but would love to learn more. After a lot of research I have come up with some possible speakers including Emerald Physics CS2, Audiokinesis Jazz Modules, Pi speakers, Tyler PD15 or PD30 or the Consonance. Several questions come up. Will my amps be OK with the Opera? My speaker positioning is limited. Placement is 18" off of back wall and 7' apart. Listening position is 10' away. Room size is 17' x 22' x 8'. I have a large LCD TV between the speakers. Are these types of speakers room dependant as much as the VR? Do the have better image depth as the VR? Any and all help is appreciated.
The Emerald Physics speakers would probably be quite happy with Class D amplification, but the PiSpeakers and mine would probably perform their best with low damping factor tube amps. I can't speak for the Tylers or Opera Consonance speakers, but you can ask Ty directly and we can hope the Trelja, who is the Opera Consonance importer, will join in.

By the way, I second the suggestions of Dodgealum and Ditusa. Daedelus speakers are very lively and musical, and while I haven't heard the JBL 4435, in my opinion the 4430 is a genuine classic (and the big 4435 is probably even better). The Altec Model 14 and Model 19 are very nice also, if you can find a pair.

Can you tell us a little bit about the room the speakers will be going in? With some boundary reinforcement and/or room gain to warm up the bottom end a bit, I think more of these speakers would work well with your amp.

Best of luck in your quest,

Sounds like a job for Zu! Zu Druids do not need to be far from the front wall (in fact boundary reinforcement gives them a bit more bass), are very efficient (101db/w/m) and can tolerate having a TV between them (I used to have them set up like that in my old house). I currently run them with a tube preamp (Supratek Chenin) and a class D amp (Gilmore Raven) and I think they sound excellent, with TONS of punch. Zu has a 60-day money-back guarantee so trying them out is relatively risk-free.
While the Druids do have decent bass, I use a sub to get that last octave - I'm a bass junkie, so to speak.
Depending upon your budget, you could also check out the other Zu offerings - Presence or Definitions - no subs needed with those!
Ait, thanks for the response however I am not interested in a sub(s). I also am a bass junkie. Phil Brady.
Duke, my profile has a photo of the room. What it doesn't show is the side walls. The right side has a 6 foot glass french door and the left side has a leather couch with 6 feet of windows 3 foot tall. The windows have wood blinds. The rear wall has a six foot sliding glass door located on the right side. The glass slider has heavy drapes that are usually drawn. What type of amp would you recommend for your speakers? Phil Brady.
Ditusa, thanks for the response and the JBL recommendation. I am curious, what do you recommend for ideal placement? Also, what amp are you using? Phil Brady.