Having been on the adjusting side of things for a number of years, I was never out to cheat anybody, only to pay what was owed. That having been said, I can't speak for other companies but policies with replacement clauses were exactly that. If I was trying to adjust Albert's SoundLAB U-1s and I was unable to locate a pair on the used market for comparison, I would be calling SoundLAB direct and trying to cut a deal for a new pair. But I would be making sure that he would be able to replace those speakers (less deductible) Most adjusters that I know aren't out to rip anybody, I however can not say that about the people submitting claims. I think the best thing anybody can do is to video tape your entire house. This allows you to not only have a record but to describe the items as well. Obviously, if you have items that are one of a kind or collector items, get a professional appraisal, and two are better. Every time I got a claim with an appraisal, I simply verified the appraisal and cut the draft.
Fortunately, I do not do homeowner claims any longer.
Fortunately, I do not do homeowner claims any longer.