High pass quality to mains uisng Velodyne DD subs


For those who have incorporated one of the DD series subs into your two-channel system, did you use the line level high pass filter from the sub to your main speakers amp?

I have two sets of outputs from my preamp, so I could run one set to the sub and one set full range to my mains. I was just wondering if folks had experienced much degradation of signal going line level from preamp to DD to mains amp.

Theoretically, I like the idea of the high pass filter.

Getting ready to set up my dd18.


Vladimir...The capacitor idea is attractive, but...

1. The capacitor will give you only a 6 dB filter. It will significantly impact frequencies well above where you want to make the crossover.

2. The capacitors used in a line level filter will be of much smaller value than those of a speaker level filter and can be of the highest quality for less money.

3. The 6 dB filter will cause a 90 degree phase shift. An active line level crossover with the ubiquitous four pole L/R 24dB characteristic has a 360 degree phase shift, which is back to 0 degrees.

4. Active amplification in the line level filter is just several unity gain impedance buffering stages. These are easily implemented with almost unmeasurable distortion.

5. With a capacitor you will not be able to easily experiment with different filter frequencies. You will probably want to do this. Personally, based on much experience in this matter, I go so far as to vary the X/O frequency according to the particular music I am playing, and this requires a crossover with a frequency selection knob.

I have done the capacitor thing in the past, and I think that item 1, above, is the killer. Try it by all means, but experiment with inexpensive capacitors until you decide what you want.
Vladimir, you should take note that using the SMS will overide the servo control in Velodyne's subs and I would guess in others as well. That's the only reason I don't use one with my DD15. If your sub doesn't have servo control then it will not matter.

I'm not following your last comment. The DD15 comes with the SMS built in. Are you not using the built-in low pass and equalization?
Yes it does and I am but I would like to have one just for the fact I could see the readout without a TV. And it will control other subs.
Eldartford, I guess your points make sense. By the way, the Velodyne high pass is also 6dB/octave.

Rwwear, I know what you say, but I would use the SMS-1 with my current REL and maybe an ACI Force later.