High powered point to point tube amp?

Are there any manufacturers making high powered (250 wpc+) tube amps using point-to-point wiring? I have speakers that drop to 1.8 Ohm in the bass and am looking for an appropriate tube amp to drive them in a large room.

Quicksilver uses point-to-point wiring, but their largest amps are not powerful enough.

I want to limit my search to preferably US made, high powered, point-to-point wired amps. I am aware of all of the other US made high powered tube amp options available such as ARC, VTL, Rogue, BAT, Manley, etc.


Another $50k possibility is a pair of Wavestream V-8 monoblocks...Not sure they would do the trick at 1.8 ohms but you could contact the manufacturer.
I think this is what you're looking for:
but that said, I'm wondering why you think you need so much horsepower to drive Sashas?

I also want to mention, that if you were driving your Quads through Cardas Golden Reference speaker cable, then the Quads didn't stand a chance of delivering truly great electrostatic performance, because electrostats need to be driven with very low capacitance speaker cable; less than 20pF (picofarads) per lineal foot. And if you'll go to the Cardas website and look up the specs for his Golden Reference speaker cable, you will discover it's capacitance is a whopping 216pF per lin.ft. -- about ten times what an electrostat should be looking at. Electrodynamic drivers (cones, domes, and ribbons) would prefer low inductance. And if you are using a tube amp (with output transformers) additional inductance in the speaker cable can (negatively) affect the amp's damping capability and thus its ability to produce really clean bass, no matter how much power it has.
And there you have it. Everyone has an as--hole and everyone has an opinion. LOL.
A pair of VTL 450s works really well with your Sashas on the high output side of things.

I've also had very good luck with BAT and Wilson---a 75SE is plenty of power for the Sasha, and as Raquel says, due to the tremendous transformers it uses.