Ufguy, MQA will be a software upgrade for the T+A so you shouldn’t preclude it from your search for that reason alone.
The reason that update isn’t imminant is that T+A’s engineers are busy with the launch of their new Headphone amp, dac, so we are sure that once that product is compleated all the streamers will receive the MQA update.
You may also want to consider the T+A SDV 3100 verson which has a world class analog preamp built in.
The possibility that the preamp version may far outperform the Macintosh preamp and allow you to resale that might make that a nice option for you.
You should try to hear one it is a remarkable piece, and also the MSB and DCS products. We are sure that out of one of those three you would find a fanatastic dac. Obviously the Lumin streamers are 100% MQA compatible.
Also you should know that if you use a server to feed even a non MQA dac you will still get the first unfold to 96k for MQA you just wouldn’t get the second.
In our opinion the bettter dac playing non MQA will still outperform one that will. Food for thought.
Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ T+A, Lumin
The reason that update isn’t imminant is that T+A’s engineers are busy with the launch of their new Headphone amp, dac, so we are sure that once that product is compleated all the streamers will receive the MQA update.
You may also want to consider the T+A SDV 3100 verson which has a world class analog preamp built in.
The possibility that the preamp version may far outperform the Macintosh preamp and allow you to resale that might make that a nice option for you.
You should try to hear one it is a remarkable piece, and also the MSB and DCS products. We are sure that out of one of those three you would find a fanatastic dac. Obviously the Lumin streamers are 100% MQA compatible.
Also you should know that if you use a server to feed even a non MQA dac you will still get the first unfold to 96k for MQA you just wouldn’t get the second.
In our opinion the bettter dac playing non MQA will still outperform one that will. Food for thought.
Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ T+A, Lumin