Highest value pre under 1.5k used?

Highest value  / price to performance ratio preamp tubed or solid state in the ultra competitive 1.5k or less price point.

Thanks in advanced for the opinions!


Easy, the Topping pre90 ($500) + Ext90 ($250, optional). Look at the preamp used by this Stereophile reviewer,

Upcoming review of the Topping pre90 ($600) on Feb 2022 Stereophile.


Go to Amazon and buy the NuPrime dac-10.

It has an outstanding preamp section...plus you get an excellent dac.

I've heard the preamp section in this dac, and it's a lot better than a lot of $2k preamps that I've heard.

If, you don't like it, Amazon has a very liberal no questions asked return policy.

It costs $1700.