HK t-60 motor mounts loose?

Hi. Recently developed an interest in TT's. I have about 10 vinyl disks I'd like to transfer to CD. Last time I had a turntable, I didn't know much and didn't have the internet for help. I bought a Harman Kardon T-60. Had one 25 years ago. When the platter is removed, motor mounts are exposed which are three screws damped with rubber washers. They are loose, and I'm wondering if they should not be snug. I tightened the screws which bottomed out without snugging up the motor shaft. Does anyone know if it is ok like this or if I should shim it with rubber washers to make it snug? Lynne
I'm referring to the three little screws around motor shaft which is suspended in the base. The motor shaft is not snug. I can move it vertically and laterally. The turntable works and the motor is quiet. Maybe if it works don't fix it, or maybe the motor capstan should be snug. I can't figure it out. Lynne
Hi Lynne-I just checked mine & they're tight. There is one big "washer" that sits on top of the motor. I'll send you a pic. Jeff