OP sorry for the terse post, you will care later, when it is 2 late, I have worked mixing sound in rock bands since I was 16 off and on, always w hearing protection available and have excellent hearing at 58
the Revel are fine speakers, just not designed for the SPL you are calling for. Mac did at one time have some line arrays ( xrt 28 that could sound pretty good, see Roger Russel ) I have heard the newer Mac stuff w a gazillion tweeters with both Mac and Boulder amplifiers and was not impressed.
JBL and others make compression driver horns speakers that do sound quite good and provide high SPL and the high duty cycle needed for longevity
summit series would fit your bill
check out Everest to understand trickle down
best to you
Enjoy the music
the Revel are fine speakers, just not designed for the SPL you are calling for. Mac did at one time have some line arrays ( xrt 28 that could sound pretty good, see Roger Russel ) I have heard the newer Mac stuff w a gazillion tweeters with both Mac and Boulder amplifiers and was not impressed.
JBL and others make compression driver horns speakers that do sound quite good and provide high SPL and the high duty cycle needed for longevity
summit series would fit your bill
check out Everest to understand trickle down
best to you
Enjoy the music