Horizontal vs Vertical biamping

Hi all. I am looking for some feedback. I am horizontally biamping 2 Rogue ST 100 amps. I am using DS 2 preamp, Aurender N10, Yggy LIM Dac, Legacy Signature SE speakers. It sounds really good. I have tried vertical biamping with this setup thinking it would sound even better. I have read that it would but in reality it does not sound as good. A bit thin and unresolving I would say. Anyone care to weigh in on why this would be? Thanks in advance. 


In theory, vertical bi-amping will give better left-right separation.  There are lots of variables, and preference is always subjective, so it's hard to give an explanation why you prefer the horizontal configuration.  Did you try any tube rolling?

When multi-amping with active XO, you  M U S T  remove the passive XO components from the speakers.


Regarding deltas between horizontal and vertical, there are multiple possible combinations of amp channels and speaker drivers in each configuration. The tube combinations of 2x ST100 are astronomical. Adding in OPT, driver and passive XO part tolerances, there are enough combinations to have a different system every day for the rest of time.

I have not rolled tubes in the amps yet. These amps are the “dark” version of the st 100s and they come with some pretty nice tubes. 

Why do you have to remove the passive components from the speakers, don't you just have to bypass them and can still leave them in the speaker cabinet?