Horning Eufrodite Ellipse Owners?

I have put these speakers on my short list and am wondering if there are any owners or members who have specific experience with these speakers.

I read a thread from 2011 in which one member noted another member using a Berning ZH230 with these speakers thinking them a good combination. I am currently running this same amp with the Berning Pre-One preamp.

Thanks in advance for any opinions.
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I use the Eufrodite Ultimate Zigma with Art Audio mono blocks, and they sound terrific! Also run them with 2A3 SET as well.

IME, this speaker has a naturalness about it that's truly tough to match.
Sorry to be coming in so late
I am likely the owner who used Hornings with the ZH 230
Great pairing
In my case I was using the Horning Agathon Ultimate

I have since acquired a pair of custom 12w pure class A mono versions of the 230 and they are outstanding

I have just ordered a pair of the new Ellipse version of the Euphrodite as I love the Hornings and have found no better set of compromises for my tastes

In due time I can share my impressions

I am sure it will succeed as I have spent a fair bit of time listening to the speakers at Jeffery's place in NY

I also have a Horning Sati 520b ultimate that is excellent with the Hornings, as one might imagine.

03-10-15: Glide3
Sorry to be coming in so late
I am likely the owner who used Hornings with the ZH 230
Great pairing
In my case I was using the Horning Agathon Ultimate

I have since acquired a pair of custom 12w pure class A mono versions of the 230 and they are outstanding

I have just ordered a pair of the new Ellipse version of the Euphrodite as I love the Hornings and have found no better set of compromises for my tastes

In due time I can share my impressions

I am sure it will succeed as I have spent a fair bit of time listening to the speakers at Jeffery's place in NY

I also have a Horning Sati 520b ultimate that is excellent with the Hornings, as one might imagine.

Congrats! on you new acquisition - are you getting the latest version with brand new 16 bass drivers?

If you could provide some details of the size of room, other electronics, differences you notice between your amplification.

Types of music you play and volume you listen would be great!

Lastly since you have done allot of listening at Jeff C's place why you did not go with either Tron or Tw but in a different direction.
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