Horning Eufrodites


If anybody has these speakers or experience with them in larger rooms your views would be appreciated.

Partnering with SET amplification 300b's or 211's.


I wanted to know if they suited larger rooms or not. My listening room/lounge is 6.5mtrs X 7 Mtrs with a cathedral ceiling. I will be auditioning them in a smaller room so will hear how they sing.

Thanks for any other comments you would feel appropriate and that may guide my listening session that is planned.

they work well in large rooms (i'd generally characterize them as sounding larger than they look). they're pretty "full" sounding, so try not to place them too close to the front walls (might cause bass overload), then again, each room is different so it's best to experiment.

in terms of amps, both 300b & 211 (single or parallel) are sufficient to drive the Eufrodites' (i'm using the Kondo Ongaku, but hv also heard them with Kondo Kegon). i've also tried them with SS amps, but feel a good SET amp - esp. one that sounds a little "lively" - brings out the best in these speakers. hope that was helpful.