I use the Edensound threaded Bearpaws on my "suspension-fixed" Pro-ject 6.1 RM with great success. I have the paws screwed up tight to the plinth so they can serve to introduce mass and resonance reduction to the plinth. Additionally I purchased a set of brass washers that had the same outside diameter as the bearclaws. I picked them up at Grainger.com and they are made by Accurate Manufactured Products.
Since they are brass and thick and heavy they match the bearclaws perfectly dimensionally, and add even more mass to the plinth. If you are going to raise any side of the turntable I would recommend underneath the bearclaw not between it and the plinth.
Since they are brass and thick and heavy they match the bearclaws perfectly dimensionally, and add even more mass to the plinth. If you are going to raise any side of the turntable I would recommend underneath the bearclaw not between it and the plinth.