@waytoomuchstuff... +’something significant’...;)
When banging the rocks together to improve and/or creating (some may say ’cretin-nating’, but they just don’t....."....well, never mind...").
’Something pleasant to move the task along’ covers a lot of my need and desire for ’decent audio’, when involved in a non-audio ’fo-cussed foray’....
DLH ( ’Difficult Listening Hour(s)’ ) is when you’re ready to ’git down ’n In To’ that which taps your toes is a whole different activity....
...esp. when you’re rubbing your forehead from that launched wrench that bounced off a surface and returned with a vengeance....
True story, that....wrenching on a Triumph Spitfire with a cantankerous bolt....
I pick my unintended targets more carefully since...like the object itself v. random uninvolved.... ;)