Tvad. don't hold your breath. As you saw in the post I made including quotes from him, he views it as proprietary. And he offers the opportunity to hear for yourself the benefits of his copies versus those you do of your own on the less expensive duplicator.
I doubt seriously if anyone can achieve your goal of due diligence. Lawyers like to talk that way. Yes, doctorate students have to defend their hypotheses and operationalizations of them as well as the quality of their data. But what we are talking about here is a buying decision. Some will buy cheaply and forgo quality but others will go for quality.
Your argument has always hinged on the idea that technology outside audio is cheaper and equal. This is a thesis if I have ever seen one. Defend your position, sir. Were I to find equal for less, of course, I would prefer it.
I take no offense with your posts, as I don't find you as illogical and close-minded as several others here who think an argument consists of belittling. They also do not bother me as I just ignore them. But I do think you are unwarranted in what you expect of people offering products for sale.