How do these Meridians compare to each other?

I was able to audition the Meridian 507 recently, and I was wondering how it compared to the 508.24, 508.20, and the 506.24. What are the important similarities and differences? . The 507 was priced $2150. new, so I know that I can get any of the others for less money used. Let me know what you think if you've heard any two or more of these machines. Another player that I like the reviews on is the Arcam FMJ23, how does this one fit into the mix?
Both of the 508s are special players, but I also preferred the .20 over the .24. IMO, it was smoother sounding than the .24.
Both 508's are excellent player. I've compared 507 with 508.20 and 507 is too forward. Also the new ROM drive transport was driving me crazy. If you leave the pwr on and no disc, every once in a while it will search for disc and make this noise and you can here it across the room.

I've also compared 507 with Sim Nova, liked the Nova much better.
I have owned the 506.24 and directly compared it with the 508.24. There was no contest the 508 was far superior hands down, but also 2x the price. I would personally recomend the Audio Aero Prima CD player I think it sounds better than any of the Meridians and is less expensive too.
Thank you all for your responses. These were exactly the kind of answers that I was hoping for, very informative. It seems that the 507 is low man on the totem pole, which is what I suspected. However, I am going to put the Meridians on the back burner for awhile, and research a few other models. Thank you, EJLIF for your tip on the Prima, I am now leaning toward a player with a volume control "and" a digital in connection. So far I have found two, resolution audio and the cary machines. Does the Prima have an analog volume control, or digital?