The plastic disks Sfar mentioned, also come with a heavy felt like material on their bottoms for movement over hard flooring. While masonite may be the ticket, plastic movers have proved invaluable to my wife and I.
It took three men and a boy to move a new very large door chest into our bedroom. They were lifting and lowering and angling it to go around a corner and beneath a door way. Later, my wife and I put it on the plastic disks, and slid it out of the room over carpet and ceramic tile with ease.
I suggested the disks to a buddy to move a machine lathe in the 600-800 lb. range. They worked quite nicely.
These may not be for your use, but we use them several times a year. In fact I just moved a piece of furniture with a 50 plasma on it couldnt have easily done it without those little guys.