How do you "downgrade"?

This is a hobby that always strives for more and more. To anyone who's "downgraded" for non-financial reasons, how did you come to that decision, and how did you manage to live with having less?
One of the easiest ways to downgrade is to change your system configuration and in the process you may get better sound. Many customers have done that with me this past year for a variety of reasons and seldom was it a money issue. Often times it is just to have a simpler more appealing system that brings harmony to the household.

Go from a DAC and transport to a one box you will lose very little if anything and you save one powercord and a digital cable. Go from a preamp and amp to an integrated amp. Again one less cable and one less powercord. 2 components in a rack or 3 if you have a line conditioner is much easier on the aesthetics especially since you have fewer cables everywhere.

Another advantage of a simple system is that it may then make more sense to purchase really great cables because suddenly you don't have to split the budget in so many directions. Over the years the hardest purchase for consumers is the really expensive cables and powercords. Sure you may hear the difference but you just don't see what you are paying so much money to get.

Often a simpler system will sound better just because it is easier for the consumer to justify spending the money on cables, a great rack like a Zoethecus or whatever. It is easy to live with having less if it sounds better, and even easier if in your families eyes you have sacrificed for the good of the many.
That was well put. I also believe that we get caught up in the stuff and lose sight of the music.
Ready for this?

I have downgraded twice now! When I get to a system that I love, I have sold it completely out! For me, building, learning about all the different products that go or don't go with another is the enjoyment I get. Sure, many fristrations, and yes, alot of work, but all in all, I love it.

For what it is worth now, I have a complete set of Aerials, 10T, CC5, 2 SW-12, and SR3, Proceed PAV/PDSD, and yep, it is a consideration now.......

Good luck!
I believe that one box vs DAC-transport very often have the same price depending on the brands compared with only difference of extra spending on digital cable that can be bought at minimal price without hurting overall digital performance(~$20 at pro-music store such as Sam-Ash) Since in digital playback you cannot go "lower than floor" you won't need to even think spending over $50 for 1m of a digital cable in any case.

The main downgrade to consider is CABLES. Yes they do matter especially on analogue domain and they can change imaging and bass extension, but only for a few percent of overall performance. There are plenty of high quality and extra low-priced cables that you can acquire instead of current expencive.

I prefere to buy unterminated cables(speaker- and interconnect- as well) and terminate them myself. So some little DIY will help a lot and not only with cables. You can also brew yourself a nice passive preamp if you have large enough output from your source component(s)

You might also consider changing NOS tubes to a regular ones that are designed by manufacturer.

IMO I would downgrade my source last since I've built system basically from the source(believe it or not from the turntable cartridge) and first "victim" will be power amp.