How do you test different tubes?

I hear people recommending different brand of tubes for amps, preamps, etc. My question is how are people doing this? Are there dealers who loan tubes like other gear? I would hate to have to purchase different sets of tubes, try them, find the one I like best, and then trying to sell the set I don't like.
Viridian: Please let us know how your "giant" Sylvania works out. I'm really curious to know how you came by it and at what cost!
NOS last longer, and NOS sound much much better than currently manufactured tubes; they cost more for a reason. Read other threads on this subject and you'll discover why we buy NOS tubes as opposed to current manufactured tubes.

NOS stands for New Old Stock, and when I buy from a reputable tube dealer, I assume that is what it means. I've bought tubes from the same dealer for years, and considering the short life span of current tubes as opposed to the long life of NOS, I've gotten my money's worth.
Tube rolling is fun and there is an endless supply of NOS, good-used tubes from all over the world. I would use cables as an example of what tube rolling is all about.

Telefunken and Valvo tubes really are special. Whether or not they are worth the scratch is no different than asking whether or not kimber, Tara Labs, Cardas etc. are worth the money.

Having said all that, some of the new stuff sounds really good and the old Russian military tubes are plentiful, sound good and are dirt cheap.
Isn't it great how you can continually upgrade the same piece of quality tube gear simply by changing tubes. My guess, however, is by now I'm preaching to the choir!
Not aware of a commercial loan program.

However, in response to other posts in this thread, there are numerous well testing (per the sellers) OLD PRODUCTION TUBES available here in the A'Gon ads as well as Ebay and various other established vacuum tube dealers.

Recently purchased 7 "new" testing Amperex Holland 12au7's on Ebay (one was a dud, but the listing was for 8 untested "pulls") for less than $65 delivered.

This was my first tube purchase in 5-6-7 years and I was still able to find a bargain (as well as the specific tubes/production period, manufacturer and construction) that I wanted to try in my setup.

Bryans: Your best bet is receiving feedback from other owners of your gear (then sort through the input).

Lars hits it on the head as this is just the case with my budget gear running tubes that currently sell for much more than the electronics.