How does this happen--CD defect?

Based on a recommendation in another A'gon thread, I just bought Anne McCue's Roll, a CD that is supposed to have at least a dozen tracks on it. After slapping it in the car player on the way home last night, I started thinking the second song started the same way the first one did, and that was odd. I then started thinking that the second song sounded a lot like the first generally. I then realized the first song was on the CD twice.

Then I got home at determined my copy has the third listed track on it twice, and *nothing* else. God only knows how many CDs I've acquired, but this has never happened before... How exactly, with mass production, does this occur? Anyone know? Is this common? Have I just been lucky?
about 12 years ago or so I bought a SMITHEREENS CD (alt. rock). Got it home put it on the stereo and discovered it had completely different/wrong music on it. I think it was some kind of new age or something. The CD label was correct though. I brought it back to the store. the manager thought I was nuts. He put it on and couldn't believe it. he said he had never had that happen before. hasn't happened to me since.

SH*T happens i guess.
The answer is obvious. That is, you purchased the "censored" version of this disc. Since they would have to sell it as a "CD single" if there were only one recorded track on it, and therefore make less money, they gave you two tracks : )

That's a weird one. I can see how labels on LP's could be swapped ( wrong label for different band / album ), but something like that is nothing i've ever heard of before. Sean
I once purchased what was labeled to be Kansas' "Point of No Return" cd. It turned out it had a different Kansas cd recorded on it, definitely not the "Point of No Return" I had intended to buy! I guess sometimes they slap the wrong labels on them, but your problem with repeated and missing tracks seems to be quite a different one.
I had a copy of 'Roll' that played the first song twice and that was it, though all the other tracks were listed. I traded it in for another copy which plays just fine. I've, of late only, had two other cd's which simply would not play at all due to TOC(?) problems.

I've a Naxos cd printed and cased as Johann Helmich Roman's "Music for a Royal Wedding", but which in reality is a euro/trance/disco kinda thing. Naxos gladly replaced it and let me keep the original as a curio! Anti-censoring??? Anarchists at work???