"Significant" "Outstanding" "Profound"
Maybe folks should look these terms up in the dictionary. Differences YES. Important enough to spend money on? Personal but probably.
This I challenge: Even current chip based entry level the differences are barely discernable. About the same level or less than different filters. If one left the room and "reset" their ears for an hour, could you come back in and identify which was which with certainty? I doubt it.
Step up to the next tier. Same challenge. If you can't absolutely every time with different music and different levels, then I propose the difference is not "profound". Valued, preferable, sure. From my first Wolfson to the current entry, yes as the circa 2000 DAC had clear faults in sibilance and edginess. Those problems are surpassed even in $100 entry units. From there, we are splitting hairs.
Too many You-Tube shills shoveling out superlatives that are parroted again and again because no one would watch if they said: " Yup, pretty nice. The end"
Transported to the venue? First that has to be recorded which as far as I know has not been even closely achieved. Magic electronics can't supply information that was not there to start with no matter how expensive your system is. We can try to make it enjoyable. Listen all day and not get fatigued. Get excited by a big crescendo. Feel chill with some nice smooth Jazz. Yea, we can do that.
Joan Baez sounds pretty nice right now through the Qutest. Might like the "green" filter but I was warned they take a long time to burn in. Her voice can get ugly if there is a problem.