How good is MSB Discrete Dac?

On Dec 6th, 2018 I had attended Launching event of YG Acoustics Hailey 1.2 speakers in Seoul, Korea.

MSB Select II Dac and Pre was connected to Viola Legacy Mono Amplifier to drive the speakers.

Nordost Valhalla cables were used.

The system gave wide and deep soundstage with tight and tuneful bass.

There is no doubt it was top notch system in every way with the total cost of component over 200K $.

At the end of show, we decided to do interesting comparison between MSB Select Dac II (85K$) and vinyl system using Kronus turntable.

Kronus turntable was fed to Octave phono amp and Viola Pre amp,

MSB Select was used as Pre and Dac.

I got surprised to find that MSB and Kronus gave very similar sound.

MSB Select provided slightly more dense sound with little bit more details.

Kronus gave slightly more relaxed sound.

If I had to choose one, I would take Kronus over MSB on this music since I like relaxed sound as I get older.

But it could change with different music.

Unfortunately we could test only one music.

Other people may have different opinion.

Despite this conclusion, MSB Select II gave one of the best sound from any DAC that I had ever heard.

But Select II with price tag of 100K$ is out of reach for most of people.

Base Model of MSB Discrete Dac is under 10k$.

It is much affordable.

Now the question is how good MSB Discrete Dac is.

If possible, I would like to audition MSB Discrete Dac at my home.

But I could not find any dealer around Seattle area.

The closest one is located on Vancouver, Canada.

I welcome input from who experienced MSB Discrete Dac.
Chord Dave and Mscaler

Dave without Mscaler is just so so. but with Mscaler I had been happy with the sound for last 2 months with transparent  3D soundstage and excellent details.

Some people may prefer lush sound out of Lampiziator Pacific Dac which I also liked very much.

I’m curious how it compares to the new dCS Bartok if you ever happen to have a chance to hear it. 
Chord Dave and MSB Discrete two completely different approaches to hifi sound. Chord Dave is not a smooth DAC at all. I will stop short of saying it's analytical but it compartmentalizes the sound, MSB is musical and smooth. If you like being distracted by all the detailed separation the Dave can give you, then definitely thats the direction to go. I always equate that sound to what I pursued when I was new to the hobby. To each their own in their journey, but I prefer things that are true to the recording and rhythm of the music as the artist intended it. Chord is NOT that sound. 
I have the MSB Discrete and I have to say that it is fabulous, albeit pricey. The only other DAC that I have had is the MSB Analog DAC with Power Base, which is also excellent, but the Discrete is a definite improvement.  I also compared it to a Naim NDX Streamer/DAC and the Discrete is not surprisingly much better, although the Naim is also a great product.  I run the Discrete with the Premier Power Base, which was a significant improvement over a single power supply that comes with the Discrete.  At a minimum, you need two of the power supplies for “oomph” but the Power Base is a high quality step up.  I run the Discrete right to the amp as my system is totally digital with Roon.