How good is the CD Playback on a Toshiba HD-DVD?

Searched the Digital thread but could not find any references. If this question has already been asked/answered my apologies. Please reply with a link.

Otherwise, if you are the owner of a Toshiba HD-DVD and tried the CD playback, how good are the on-board DAC's ?

Thanks for your comments.
Confession time ;my cd player is the AA Prestige se Further; whenever I play a standard dvd;my Arcam 27 is much better--So these players are what I based my opinion on. I have also played cds on the Arcam while I was between players and it ain't bad. I still say the Toshiba is a one trick pony;great at playing HD movies.

Did you play a CD in you HD-DVD player yet or are you still giving opinions without basis?

If you haven't played a CD yet in the HD-DVD, I am confused why you are offering an opinion.

If you have, let us know so we can take your feedback more seriously.


I don't know either of these players well enough to tell you if the HD-DVD could adequately replace the other units.

I would keep the SACD, because personally, I would hate to give it up.

The HD-DVD player does well with HD-DVDs and SD DVDs. I guess you would need to figure out if you are giving up anything with regards to CDs in this exchange.
